Jointed Alligator This toy pattern includes a multi-page PDF. Please be sure to download and print the attached toy pattern at the bottom of this page along with these instructions and watch the video Tools Band Saw or Scroll saw Sanders – Disc, Belt and spindle Router with 1/4″ or 1/8″ round over bit Drill…
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This toy pattern includes a one page PDF. Please be sure to download and print the attached toy pattern at the bottom of this page along with watching the video instructions. Print full scale or can be enlarged. Dump Truck Tools Band Saw Drill or drill press 7/32” or 9/32” drill bit Material 2 by…
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St. Louis Woodworkers Guild member Brian Ellison shows how to make hose adapters with PVC pipe
The virtual presentation for the September 17th meeting was on the subject of Arts & Crafts Furniture Style. The presenter was Bob Lang who is currently Editor of American Period Furniture, the annual journal of the Society of American Period Furniture Makers and is also Editor of Pins & Tails Newsletter. He is a former…
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Over the years, the Woodworkers Guild has built many items that are used specifically in learning activities and skill building activities for children at Rankin Jordan
By Don Snyder Don designed several wood working jigs with Openscad software and 3D printed the jigs.
By Donald Snyder
Michael Fortune
Newsletter archives from 2008-2018