This toy pattern includes a one page PDF. Please be sure to download and print the attached toy pattern at the bottom of this page along with watching the video instructions. Print full scale or can be enlarged.
Dump Truck
- Band Saw
- Drill or drill press
- 7/32” or 9/32” drill bit
- 2 by 4, common pine
- 1/4” dowel rod or 7/32” axle pegs; depending on wheel chosen
- 1 ¼” or 1 ½” diameter wheels, treaded or rounded. Available from the Toy Committee or from https://www.craftparts.com/
- Wood Glue
- Miscellaneous shop supplies
- Please see the instruction video below for detailed instructions.
- The finer the teeth on the band saw the cleaner the cut and less sanding will have to be done
- The better the quality of the wood the less sanding to be done.
- Pine or poplar works well.
- Pay close attention to cutting instructions on the dump bed.
- It is very easy to get confused and mark/cut the incorrect surfaces.
- Make sure to mark the bed and the first cut so they can be put back together correctly.
- Numbers work well when making multiple items at a time.
- Be generous with glue as the mating surfaces to be glued will be rough cut and gaps will need to be filled.
- Suggest that wheels be put on body before gluing dump body to truck body