October 2019 Newsletter

Dedicated to the art of woodworking since 1984.


Next Meeting 7:00 PM Thursday, October 17, 2019

                                                     Moolah Shrine Facility
 Meeting Location:                    12545 Fee Fee Road
                                                     St. Louis, MO  63146

Click here for Map to the Meeting Location

President’s Letter — October 2019

The Guild has received a $1,500 donation from Emerson Electric.  We greatly appreciate their generous donation and John Bronson’s efforts to make this happen.

Several members will be meeting at the end of October to discuss programs for 2020. There are some firmed up and they are looking for ideas for other months and also for weekend long seminars.  If you would like to see a program on a particular subject, or would like to see a presentation from a specific woodworker from the St.Louis area or somewhere else in the US, please let Wayne Watson know your thoughts. Swapping emails with other guilds throughout the country indicates that finding good subject matter is a challenge all guilds face so we would appreciate your input.
The folks that work the front door at the meeting, Tom Tierney (Treasurer) and Michael Graber (Membership) could sure use some help before the meetings.  There is a lot to do there and when we get visitors and new members that adds even more to the work load.  They need help with their routine duties and when a visitor or new member arrives, we need existing members to greet them, show them around the room and explain the toy program, library, show and tell, any freebies in the back, and make them feel welcome.  We all probably remember the first time we walked into a room full of strangers and how uncomfortable that can be.  Let’s try to make them feel welcome.  Just let Tom or Michael know you are available to help.  
October’s meeting will have Jeff Morgan talking about selecting and using spray finishes.  For more information about Jeff and his shop, checkout https://www.facebook.com/MHWP.ShadowBoxes/

For the past several years in January we have celebrated the accomplishments of the Toy Builders.  This year we are expanding the scope of the January celebration and calling it a Volunteer Appreciation evening.  Toy Builders, Shop Monitors, and Box Builders will be recognized and we will be drawing for gift cards.  No celebration would be complete without cake and ice cream and there should be plenty. 
Also in January there will be a Guild day at U-Pick Hardwood Lumber with a Festool representative showing products. In April we will visit Quinn Saw Company.  They have some new equipment they want to demonstrate that allows them to make blades from scratch.
As we head toward the holiday season, let’s not forget about those that are less fortunate than others.  A few nice toys, some boxes to hold personal items, and book boxes can all be special items to someone that has very little. Contributing to the Guild’s programs is a good way to make someone else’s life a little brighter.

See you at the meeting on Thursday,

Wayne Humphrey

Last Month’s Meeting

Making Holiday Gifts
by SLWG Members

Members who participated in the main program focusing on building simple holiday gifts are pictured above.  In order of appearance, John Bronson, Al Carlson, Bob Kastigar, Jerry Lammers, Craig Noel, Brian Romine, Rich Sanders, Joe Turner, Keith Lissant, and Larry Alvarez. 

Below are some examples of what was shown at the September meeting.

Larry Alvarez showed some easy to turn ornaments plus some refrigerator magnets.
Joe Turner shared some plans for easy-to-make puzzles.  Link to the blog on the SLWG website HERE.
Al Carlson created this scroll saw frame sized for a 5 x 7 photo plus a nicely sculptured stand.  Al also noted that the SLWG Library was a great resource for plans.
Some meeting attendees are looking over several examples of kits available from Rockler Woodworking and Hardware that Brian Romine brought.
Craig Noel brought several examples of small projects that make nice gifts.
Craig’s projects include the cigar holder, the bowties, and the floating face clock at right.

Bob Kastigar shared several detailed plans for the items below with lots of technique suggestions which have been uploaded to the SLWG website.  Click on this LINK to access these plans.


Steve Briner used a Shop Vac vacuum with a Dust Deputy to make his roll around dust collector for his shop.
Bill Miller showed us a beautiful beech platter that he made at a one-day class at Glenn Lucas’ Shop in Ireland.
Craig Noel showed us a clock project he originally made in 1979 with purple heart inlay but changed the inlay to black palm in a recent remake.  Craig made his own template for the inlays.
Hal Donovan demonstrated a free online program that helps make cutting plans for wood stock for projects.  The program is called CutlistOptimizer and access to it is available on the SLWG website.  Click on this LINK to get there.

Woodworking Equipment SALE
The St. Louis Woodworkers Guild will be selling surplus woodworking equipment that the Guild owns.  It will be by sealed bid, open only to current members.  The items range from small hand tools to large pieces of equipment, mostly used.  The Guild has quite a few items, but we will only be selling about three to five items per month.


Have you had a chance to visit our new website? One of the best features is the new “Announcements” page, now titled “News,” which gets updated on a regular basis with Guild business and Community news. Check it out at https://slwg.org/news/.

The Guild would like to thank Judy Zahner for her LARGE donation of wheels and dowels for the Toy Program.


St. Louis Woodworkers Guild contributions to the local community

Bill Schuchat discussing box techniques with Steve Briner.

We are pleased to announce Steve Mettes has joined the Toy Committee and are looking forward to his insights and ideas as we increase our receiving organizations. We’re always looking for new members as the program has grown exponentially over the last few years. If you’re interested please contact Bill Schuchat at (314-406-1823) or wschuchat@gmail.com.


The Toy Committee has planned a box building event to supplement the boxes that are donated monthly for the Foster and Adoptive Care Center.  The Box Build is scheduled for Saturday, Nov 16 at 8:30 AM at the Guild Shop.  The event will run until 4 PM.  

We are going to build boxes with finger joints.  The bottom will be recessed into dados in the sides and the top will slide in dados in 3 sides and ride over the 4thside.  

The object will be to complete 50 boxes.  To achieve this goal, two Prebuilds have been scheduled for the weeks of October 21 and 28 and some members will do the work in their own shop. 
Activities for the Prebuild will be resawing, planing, sanding, and gluing the 4/4 stock to 3/8” thickness and prescribed widths.   
Activities for the Box Build will be table saw and chop saw work to bring materials to the proper dimensions, routing for finger joints and dados, and glue-up.  All plywood cutting for the box bottoms will be done the day of the Box Build.  A box joint jig using a router made from Doug Stowe’s plans will be used to make the box joints.  If you have a box joint jig that could also be used, let Bill Schuchat know as we may need more than one. Dados for the top and bottom to ride in will be cut on the router tables.
We currently have 10 members signed up for the Box Build and 8 signed up for the Prebuild. Other members are welcome to join the activities.

Toy Program Small Box Design Details


The Guild is compiling a list of all the community outreach programs that the Guild has done over its history so that we have specific information to put into grant proposals or for other uses. Even if you have lots of details or only a snippet, we value this input.  The outreach that we are looking for is any work by the Guild or Guild members for community organizations such as Boy Scouts, Hospitals, Schools, etc. Our ongoing programs of Toy donations and Build-a-Box are large-scale examples, but there have been numerous examples of smaller projects.  Please email any information you have to support this effort to Bill Schuchat at  wschuchat@gmail.com.

Quality Checks

The quality check efforts continue to pay off.  We had asked members to perform an extra quality check on their items to ensure there were no sharp edges or corners. Thanks for taking this extra step; the results have led to a higher finish quality on the toys we are donating.


            Assembly Dates Set 

Dates and times have been set to assemble the 90 “kits of parts” that have been collected:

            Thursday, November 7       10:45 – 12:25

            Friday, November 8             10:45 – 12:25

            Wednesday, November 13   10:45 – 12:25

            Tuesday, November 19      10:45 – 12:25

We have gathered small hammers for the kids to use in the assembly process and are looking for eight (8) #2 Phillips screwdrivers for them to use.  These do not need to be donations.  Simply loaners will work fine.  If you have one or more that you could make available, please notify Bill Schuchat (314-406-1823) or wschuchat@gmail.com or bring them to the Guild Shop with your name on them.

We are also looking for additional members to participate in the assembly sessions. Volunteers should plan on arriving by 10:15 to set up before the kids arrive.  Please let Bill Schuchat if you can help out.

The students will have written directions to follow for the assembly and completed toys to look at so participation may include simply watching the event or answering questions.

Toy Tally

September — 1,204
YTD — 7,236

September — 658
YTD — 5,980

Since 1994 — 68,137!

2019 Toy Program Major Contributors

Over 1500 Club
Wayne Humphrey – 1,553
Bill Meuth – 1,534

Over 1000 Club

Over 750 Club
Rich Sanders – 893

Over 500 Club
Bill Schuchat – 550

Over 300 Club
Bob Zahner – 487
Bill Love – 323
Dale Norman – 320

Over 100 Club
Charlie Goria – 202
Dan Sudkamp – 167
Steve Briner – 157
Keith Lissant – 154
Paul Bailey – 118


Jim Inkpen

2019 Target and Challenge

Progress towards our 2019 targets:

Target for Delivered Items:  7,843                     To Date:  76% ACHIEVED

                                                                            Well on our way!!

Target for Member Participation:  10%             To Date:   18% ACHIEVED
                                                                                41 Members so far!

Toy Pattern Library is Growing

Keep checking the website for new patterns throughout the year as well as the schedule for donating seasonal items.  We’ll continue to add new and interesting patterns for all levels of woodcrafters so check back often.
Find patterns at:  https://slwg.org/community-involvement/toy-program/


The updated Toy Patterns have all been uploaded on the new Guild website.  If you have a toy pattern that you want included on the website, please get with Bill Schuchat (314-406-1823) or wschuchat@gmail.com and he will get it taken care of. 

Organizations that we currently donate toys to include:

Foster and Adoption Care Coalition
Mercy Children’s Hospital St. Louis
Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital
Shriners Hospitals for Children – St. Louis
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
St. Louis Children’s Hospital


Toy Committee

Bill Schuchat: (314) 406-1823
Vickie Berry: (972) 741-1944

Hal Donovan: (314) 570-6563
Steve Mettes: (901) 237-4483

Please contact us with comments, suggestions or if you need to arrange pickup or delivery of toys.

Bring Me A Book Team News

The Guild is back to making book boxes after a two-month hiatus. In early October birch plywood for 96 book boxes was cut and the pieces were combined into two-box kits. Almost half of these kits were picked up by our members last Saturday. The remaining book box kits will be available for pickup this week at the October General Meeting. Kits will be available at the lower entrance to the Moolah Shrine building. 
BMABStL continues its programs of providing books and book boxes to underserved children in the St. Louis region.  Just over 50 boxes were delivered in September with 150 planned for distribution in October.  Programs are scheduled for the Horizon Housing Foundation and Washington Montessori School in partnership with the St. Louis Public Schools.
This month Guild members helped pack books into moving boxes for the move into a new BMABStL facility. The space is larger and thankfully on the ground floor. The move will be completed in October.

Thank you to the members who have supported the BMAB program by building boxes.

For those Guild Members who are delivering completed boxes, please set your boxes in or near the White Ford F150 parked at the rear entrance on the lower level.

Please make sure to tell Tom Tierney the number of book boxes you have returned.

Book Box Program Major Contributors

Over 50 Club
Greg Kuklinski – 100
Hal Donovan – 92
Bob Meyer – 66
Schrock – 66
Dan Sudkamp – 61

Over 25 Club
Jack McKay – 49

Steve Mettes – 42
Joe Turner – 41
Steve Briner – 39
John Vicini – 37
Don Turner – 34
Leo Weisman – 30
Craig Noel – 26

Bill Schuchat – 26

Book Box Tally

As of September 30, 2019

Unassembled Box Kits ready for members to pick up      0

Book Boxes in process of assembly                                 0

Book Boxes in QC                                                              0

Book Boxes Completed and Delivered  to BMABStl    
    since beginning of program in April 2018                 904

Book Box Committee

Tom Tierney: (314) 412-1817
Jack McKay: (314) 435-2232

Charles Schrock: (314) 822-3709

Volunteers Needed

The Guild needs volunteers in several areas. If you can help, please contact the indicated person.
Media Content Administrator
Responsible for:

  • Update content on the website as required.  (Not a technical administrator.)
  • Bulk of content should be provided to this person by others but may add material as they see fit.
  • Update content on Facebook and any other social media. Minimum of one update per week.  Bulk of content can be lifted from newsletters, provided by others, or interesting material found from any source.
  • Provide reports to the monthly Board meeting as the Administrator feels necessary or requested by the Board.
  • Interface with Technical Administrator of the website as required. Interface with other members as required.

Outreach Coordinator
Oversight and coordination of all outreach activities of the Guild including:

  • Respond to emails generated by the website.
  • Search for members to handle specific requested needs or programs.
  • Create and maintain ongoing programs to further the outreach goals of the Guild.
  • Liaison with existing outreach partners to determine specific needs and convey to appropriate program/committee leaders.
  • Oversee Toy Program and Book Box Program.
  • The Coordinator is not expected to run any of these programs unless they elect to, but should find members that want to manage a program or activity.
  • The coordinator will give reports to the Board at the monthly meeting as they feel is required or requested by the Board.

If you would like to help out at the Guild but can’t help with the above, let us know.  There is always a need for more help on lots of activities.

Check out the Events Calendar on the SLWG website HERE.




GEORGE WALKER,  Furniture Designer

April 17-19, 2020

George has written numerous articles for Popular Woodworking Magazine over the years.  Stay tuned for more information about this Spring weekend event.

Woodworking Classes

Held at Faust Park Workshop

Inlay Methods 3
(lines & fan motifs, sand shading)
                          When:            Saturday, October 26, 2019
                          Time:              9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
                          Cost:              $20
                          Materials:       Will be provided
                          Tool List:         Available upon sign-up
                          Class Size:     Minimum 3, maximum 4 participants
                          Prerequisite:   Inlay Methods 1
                          Instructor:       Don Snyder

Make a Krenov-style Handplane
                          When:            Sat. and Sunday, November 16-17, 2019
                          Time:              9:00 AM – 4:00 PM both days
                          Cost:              $50
                          Materials:       Email Request to spwoodworks@charter.net
                          Tool List:         Email Request as above
                          Class Size:     3 participants
                          Prerequisite:   None
                          Instructor:       Mike Sistek

Additional Upcoming Classes
(More details to come)

Oct. 26               Jigs & Fixtures             Mike Sistek
 (Make-up date for this sold-out class — no openings available)

Payment for the above classes:
-Payment in advance is required to be registered
– By check, mailed to Guild’s PO Box
– Pay online Guild web page through PayPal
– Pay at the meeting to Eric Oman
Please note that registration closes by the 5th of the month in which the class is scheduled.  For example, for a class held in July, registration is due by July 5.

Registration or Questions?
Contact Eric Oman  at   eric.oman@yahoo.com   or     636-248-0069

Inlay Class Description

Decorative Inlay (Part 3)

Learn to make and inlay decorative objects in the form of fans, ovals, berries, flowers and other shapes.  Hand tools and Dremel-style routers will be used.  Learn to make fans and other shapes by using veneers with sand-shaded parts to give a three-dimensional visual effect.  Inlaid objects like these add interest to drawer fronts, boxes and other woodworking projects.

Example (fan, line & berry):

Fundamentals of Woodworking Class

Beginning in February 2020!

Learning the Essential Skills of Good Craftsmanship

Are you new to woodworking? Wondered how to get started? What tools to buy and when?

If you answered yes to these questions, the St. Louis Woodworkers Guild can provide the answers.  A new class tailored for new woodworkers is starting in February 2020. The class will meet once a month for ten to eleven total sessions. The class will cover the essentials needed to start you on your woodworking journey. For example in Lesson One you will learn about wood, its properties, how to select it and how to buy it. Each lesson will build on the previous class throughout the course

Succeeding lessons will introduce you to hand tools and their proper use, woodworking machinery, and the safe use of both stationary and portable power tools. How to plan a project and purchase the materials required, from beginning through the finishing process will be covered. Joinery techniques from mortise and tenons to hand-cut dovetails will be taught. 

Throughout the course, short lessons will be followed by practical hands-on exercises that will build your skills and provide the knowledge required to become an accomplished and safe woodworker.  The course will wrap up with the construction of two projects which will challenge you and put your new knowledge into play.

Some “homework” will be required between sessions. While not required, it is highly recommended, that class members attend the Guild’s Safety Class so that they may utilize the Faust Park shop between classes.

The class size will be limited so don’t put off signing up! You can pay for the class, one of two ways: either monthly, (at $30.00 per month for ten months), or an upfront, onetime charge of $250.00 for the total course. The cost of materials is extra and you should plan on acquiring some basic hand tools along the way.

The first class is scheduled for Sunday, February 23rd and will continue on the fourth Sunday of each month for the duration of the class 

You may enroll and pay on the website. You must be a Guild Member to take this course.  For questions contact Wayne Watson at workswood@earthlink.net or 314-541-3047.

Links for enrolling and paying on the website:

Faust Park Workshop Information

  • To participate in the Workshop Safety Class or use the shop, you must have paid the current year Guild dues and have your current membership card with appropriate marking.
  • To use the Guild Workshop during open hours, you must have passed a Workshop Safety Class. 

November Shop Hours

Nov 2 & 3       9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Nov 5 & 6,     10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Nov 9 & 10,  9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Nov 12 & 13, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Make Checks for Safety Class payable to SLWG and attendees must bring their current Guild membership card.

Link to Safety Class Signup and Directions to the shop on the SLWG website HERE.

Next Shop Safety Class

          Thursday, November 7th
           6:30 PM    
           Faust Park Workshop
           Plan for 3 Hours
         $20 for Current Members

To attend Safety Class, must RSVP by Oct. 31 to vicepresident@slwg.org

Recent Board Activities
A lot goes on that sometimes the general membership doesn’t hear about.  We will try to publish some bullet points every month to let you know about these items.
  • The Guild’s Five Year Plan is being reviewed by a committee. This document sets a plan for long terms goals and gives us something to gauge our progress against.  If you have thoughts on what you would like to see happen in the next few years, contact one of the committee members: Wayne Watson, Tom Tierney, Bill Schuchat, or Don Turner.

Join The Guild Today!


Annual Renewals  for 2020 start in October


Annual membership renewal is available online with PayPal (preferred, as this speeds up the check-in process at the meeting) or at the meeting when you sign in.  Current membership status is required for use of the Faust Park Shop.

Annual Membership Dues:

Basic Membership            $40    (4 uses of the Guild Shop during 2019)
Full Shop Membership                $75    (Unlimited use of the Guild Shop during 2019)

A basic membership entitles the member to four uses of the Guild Shop during the year.  A shop membership entitles the member to unlimited use of the shop during open shop hours.

Member benefits also include:

                      > Discounts at Guild sponsors
                      > Access to Project Workshops 
                      > Access to a local community of woodworkers
                      > Access to the secure portion of the website

Just Complete & Return This Application!

Or, bring the completed form to the next meeting and Join right there!!!  Cash, checks, PayPal or credit cards accepted.

Click here to pay dues online


Ellen Lang

Calvin Maginel

Nileena Philip


Long time members remember the Wood and Shop as being on North Lindbergh and the location of the origins of the Guild.  With airport expansion it had to move and many members lost track of their location.  The Wood and Shop is now located in Eolia, MO and is alive and well.  Bruce Denslow moved the shop there many years ago and basically expanded into an internet business although he still welcomes walk-in customers.
They have a large selection of exotic woods and can re-saw, plane, and sand to your desired thickness.  They also have a laser and can cut custom designs working off of your drawing that they scan.
Located about an hour north of west St Louis county, it is an easy drive and worth a visit when looking for unique woods.  Check out their website, www.woodnshop.net for more information and an address to plug into your GPS.  When ordering, tell them you are a member of the St Louis Woodworker Guild and receive a 10% discount.


If you are a current or retired Boeing employee you can now contribute to the St. Louis Woodworker’s guild through the Boeing Gift Match program.  The guild is now an approved charitable organization with the Boeing program.  As an employee participant, your donation of $25.00 USD or more or the equivalent volunteer hours of 25 hours or more will be matched 1:1 by Boeing.  The maximum individual contribution is $6,000.00 or 6,000 volunteer hours.  Your contribution is tax deductible as long as you follow three simple steps:

Step 1:  Eligible Boeing employees or retirees first make a contribution directly to the guild

Step 2:  After making your donation go to Total Access and click on My Community Giving – GIVE – Gift Match on the Boeing Gift Match page.

Step 3:  Register your donation whether it’s monetary or volunteer hours and select The St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild and enter the total amount and the date of the contribution.

It’s that easy, you get a great tax break and it benefits the guild directly.  If you have any questions, please email Wayne Humphrey at president@slwg.org and if I don’t know the answer, I will try to find it for you.

The St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild is now listed with Amazon Smile.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite woodworker’s guild every time you shop at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild. 

Simply go to smile.amazon.com and select the St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild as your organization that you want to receive donations from your eligible purchases.  The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.  You don’t make the donation, Amazon Smile does.  It truly is at no cost to you.  Just make sure you go to smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com.  If you have any questions on how the program works, just send an email to Wayne Humphrey at president@slwg.org .

The St Louis Woodworkers Guild Inc has been issued a $45.80 donation from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of AmazonSmile program activity between April 1 and June 30, 2019.

SLWG Officers, Board Members and Committee Leaders

Wayne Humphrey – 314-440-2173

Vice President:
Wayne Watson – 314-541-3047

Tom Tupper – 636-236-3313

Tom Tierney – 314-412-1817

Grant Black (exp. 2020)
Vickie Berry (exp. 2021)
Violet Oman (exp. 2022)
Don Turner (exp. 2023)

Immediate Past President:
Bob Brinkmann

Marketing & Membership Chair:
Wayne Watson

Membership Coordinator:
Michael Graber

Woodworking Show Coordinator:
Wayne Watson

Book Box Committee Chair:
Tom Tierney

Outreach Coordinator:

Newsletter Editor:
Grady Vaughan

Al Carlson

Toy Committee Chair:
Bill Schuchat

Shop Manager:
Wayne Watson

Classes and Workshops Coordinator:
Eric Oman

Web Master:
David Zemon

Legal Counsel:
Bill Hobson

Our Sponsors

The St. Louis Woodworkers Guild relies heavily on sponsorship to execute on our mission statement of education, community service, and local development. Please support our sponsors. 

(In-store only)

Kohler City Hardwoods

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