- Band Saw or Scroll saw
- Sanders – Disc, spindle & belt
- Drill Press with 1/8″ bit
- Sand paper or emery boards
- 1/8″ to 1/4″ plywood
- Make pattern from print of Medallion by gluing to a piece of cardboard.
- Tape 4 to 6 layers of 1/8″ to ¼” plywood together and attach pattern on top.
- Drill 1/8″ hole for hanging.
- Cut pattern and wood to shape using saw. Note: cutting four to six pieces at a time makes for smoother edges and speeds up production.
- Sand outer edge with disc or spindle sander to smooth. Sand both sides smooth.
- On next set of parts draw around pattern on wood surface and mark hole center.
- Drill 1/8″ hole.
- Saw Shape.
- Sand outer surface.
- Sand front and back surfaces with a belt sander to smooth and sand edges to remove roughness.
Download pattern here: https://slwg.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Necklace-Medallion.jpg