Author: Grady Vaughan

Dedicated to the art of woodworking since 1984.

October 2021 Newsletter

Don Turner presents a “primer” on various types of finishes.

September 2020 Newsletter

Elly and Cal describe their apprenticeships at The Carpenters Boat Shop

July 2021 Newsletter

Dan Coleman gave some great tips on setting up and maintaining Band Saws.

June 2021 Newsletter

Dan Coleman talks about Band Saws at the June In-Person Guild Meeting

May 2021 Newsletter

May’s Guild Meeting featured Ron Bontz, Saw Sharpener extraordinaire, who demonstrated the fine points of sharpening hand saws

May 2021 Newsletter Videos

Millers Falls Wood Boring Machine Action Toys by Mike Peery Armadillo Hedgehog

April 2021 Newsletter

Geoff Seitz gave an informative presentation not only on the history but also detailed design of the various types of violins.

March 2021 Newsletter

Scott Wunder takes wood on the journey from the trunk to the finished product!

February 2021 Newsletter

Steve Latta and Federal Period Design features last month

January 2021 Newsletter

This week’s featured presenter is Steve Latta