(In-Person Presentation and Livestream)
The Making of Two Guys & a Gal Wooden Puzzle
Joe Turner
Shop Jigs and Fixtures
Facilitated by
Bill Schuchat
See the many projects displayed at the meeting in Show and Tell below for ideas for your own jigs and fixtures or watch the whole program video on the link below.
Saturday, SEPTEMBER 7
More Info at the Meeting!!!
The Guild has received a donation of several high-end hand tools that will be auctioned off at meetings over the next several months.
Items available at the September meeting will be:
Maker |
Item |
2024 Retail Value |
Minimum Bid |
Veritas |
Medium Shoulder Plane with leather case |
$ 209.00 |
$ 85.00 |
Veritas |
Round Spoke Shave |
$ 144.00 |
$ 55.00 |
Bad Axe |
14″ Carcase Saw |
$ 350.00 |
$ 140.00 |
Starrett |
6 Inch Rule – C604RE |
$ 38.00 |
$ 15.00 |
Lie Nielsen |
Mortise Chisel (3/8) and edge guard |
$ 125.00 |
$ 50.00 |
Tools available at future meetings will include planes, chisels, hand saws, and other items.
Bob Kastigar mans the Cap and Apron sale table. Aprons are priced at $40 and Caps at $20.While cash is the preferred method of payment, checks or credit cards might be accepted if the Treasurer is present.
Crafted for durability, these items are ideal for daily use in the shop or when representing the Guild at events, such as the woodworking show.
First Annual Faust Park Art Fair
Member-made items are needed for the Guild’s booth at the First Annual Faust Park Art Fair being held August 24, 2024 from 10 am – 4 pm.
We are hoping to get at least 100 items to sell with funds received going to the Guild and benefitting our Community Service projects. Every month we see amazing talent from members, and we want to showcase them. No item is too small or too big.
Examples (partial list) of items that we believe will sell well include:
Cutting Boards Tables
Salt and Pepper Mills Trays
Charcuterie Boards Boxes
Ornaments Puzzles
Bowls Whimsical Woods Items
Pens Toys
So we can keep track of inventory, please plan on registering and identifying what and how many items you’d like to contribute at our next meeting or send a message to David Gronefeld or me. Members should plan on bringing their items to the June, July and August meetings.
We also need 8-10 volunteers to man the booth in 2-hour shifts, plus set up and tear down.
If you have any questions about the event or your ideas for items, let David or me know.
Vickie Berry
David Gronefeld
Editors Note: The June meeting was a great S&T opportunity as shown below. The July meeting with Jigs & Fixtures will be another!!! Bring your work to share.
Randy Lamb sent in pictures of a humidor he made for his boss who was retiring. It’s the first mitered corner box he has made. Walnut sides, cherry top and lined with Spanish cedar. He used a new Shaper Origin to engrave the top and the lid handle slot.

Vickie Berry brought in a 12 x 24 Oak and Cherry tray with an epoxy infill.

Keith Lissant crafted a model vintage station wagon and camper from mahogany and padauk, inspired by a design featured in a recent article from Scroll Saw & Woodworking Magazine.

Brad Bernhard has been doing more bird marquetry. His designs are generally from pictures on Pinterest or other sites. He does the cutting by hand with a fret saw and finishes them with shellac and wax.

Some of the birds Brad displayed include a Great Crested Fly Catcher, a White-Breasted Nuthatch, and a Tufted Titmouse.

Brian Ellison has been at work making little Herbies. He located online actual Herbie miniature decal labels that he applied to the models.

Several versions of the Herbies with appropriate vintage service facilities.

John Martell showcased excellent examples of gifts crafted from small amounts of surplus project wood. He presented a collection of nesting bandsaw boxes, each progressively smaller than the last.

John displayed several other gifts in addition to his nesting bandsaw boxes that can be made from just a small amount of wood.
Jigs and Fixture Presentations from the July Meeting

Brian Ellison presented a dowel cutter, spline cutting sled, circle press for bowls and a low-cost Domino-type jig.

Dan Lender presented his table saw dovetail jig.

Mark Voegtle presented a table saw jig for making cheese boards.

Adam Conners presented a splining sled that rides on his SawStop fence and a frame cutting jig with feather boards.

Tom Tierney presented a table saw jig for cutting tapers on the edges of small tabletops.

Alan Brown presented a jig for attaching table aprons to legs. Alan makes pens, so he also presented a jig for aligning work to create Celtic knots.

Bob Kastigar presented a table saw splining sled mostly made from MDF, and slides on the miter slot rather than using the table saw fence as a guide.

Steve Makola presented bandsaw jigs for making small strings and parts for inlay work.

Leo Weisman introduced a chisel sharpening guide featuring multiple wheels, which provides increased stability during the sharpening and honing of chisels and plane blades.

Jere Baynes created a compact shooting guide for crafting decking parts, which he has adapted for different circular saw brands. Over the years, he has used this guide to cut more than 800 boards.

Bill Schuchat presented several jigs that he has used over the years.

One of Bill’s jigs is a table leg tapering jig that is very useful and easy to make.

Grady Vaughan presented a bandsaw circle-cutting jig that does not require a hole in the product like most circle-cutting jigs.

Grady found instructions for this jig on the internet claiming that it was the last circle-cutting jig that you would ever need.
and Other Videos
Here is a link to a site that lists safety recall notices for woodworking tools. LINK
St. Louis Woodworkers Guild contributions to the local community
Toy Committee Chair Steve Mettes waiting on toys to be brought into the meeting by Guild Toy Builders.
Toy Committee Update
Toy production moves along, but we need more. We had a good selection of toys collected at the July meeting, but our hospital partners are starting to increase their requests and our inventory of toys in the shed is starting to go down.
Current needs: Arches with Cardinal or sports logo
All woodworkers should be aware that we are donating these toys for children and that all toy donations must be fully sanded with NO SPLINTERS OR SHARP EDGES — ready for a final finish by the children. Toys submitted not meeting this criterion will be returned to the maker for reworking.
Thank you to all who have built toys and contributed to this important program.
Steve Mettes
Toy Committee Chair
(901) 237 – 4483 or email to
July — 267
YTD — 1,638
July — 127
YTD — 950
Since 1994 — 88,210
2024 Toy Program Major Contributors
Over 100 Club
Paul Hellenbrand — 376
Bill Meuth — 311
William Marsek — 290
Linda Turner — 179
Bill Hobson — 150
Over 50 Club
Dan O’Heron — 90
Joe Turner — 64
Wayne Humphrey — 62
2024 Target and Challenge
Target for Delivered Items: 4,000
10% Member Participation Target
13 Members
(Guild Members 364)
Organizations that we currently donate toys to include:
BJC Children’s Hospital
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
Hawthorn Children’s Psych. Hosp.
LifeWise STL
Mercy Hospital
Peace Pantry Cedar Hill
RankenJordan Ped. Bridge Hospital
Rockwood School District
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Toys for Tots
Steve Mettes, Chair
Paul Bailey
Hal Donovan
Charles Schrock
Grady Vaughan
Please contact us with comments, suggestions or if you need to arrange pickup or delivery of toys. Individual contact info can be found on the Members Only section of the SLWG website HERE.
HSH Table Build Community Outreach
A special thank you this month to the 14 Members who participated in the Outreach Program Shop Workdays. Over the course of two days the Members milled, sawed, drilled and routed approximately 130 bf of rough sawn Red Oak and Ash into 23 seven-piece, small end table kits. The kits are available now for others to finish sand, assemble and finish and donate to HomeSweetHome.
Talley to date (August 5, 2024):
Dining Tables 26
End Tables 215
Coffee Tables 15
Night Stands 4
Total 260
Below are the Members who have built five or more tables since April 1, 2021 (the start of the program).
Table of Recognition
(Two Year Total Number of Tables Built)
5 +
Paul Bailey
Roger Besancenez
Karl D’Arcy
Phil Morton
Don Turner
Leo Weisman
10 +
Alan Brown
Paul Deutsch
15 +
Grady Vaughan
30 +
Charles Schrock
45 +
Hal Donovan
50 +
Tom Tierney
Again, thank you to all the HSH Outreach Program participants. The Guild cannot do it without your willingness to volunteer your time and talents.
Information about our HSH table program and sample table measured drawings can be found on our website ( under the Community Service tab, HomeSweetHome. LINK HERE
Please contact me at the August meeting or call, text, or email me if you are interested in building a table(s).
Tom Tierney
(314) 412-1817
Tom will have KITS available at the August Meeting to use for making HSH Tables
(No raw wood)
August 15 Joe Turner Wooden Puzzles
September 19 Bill Schuchat Hand-rubbed Finishes
October 17 Rob (Rockler Mgr.) Shop Vacuum Systems
November 21 Jeff Hoetker How Gershner Toolboxes are Made
December No Meeting
Woodworking Classes
Held at Faust Park Workshop
Upcoming Classes
See the Schedule on the SLWG Website HERE.
Date Teacher Subject
August 25, 2024 SchuchatDannerMorton Fundamentals 2024B-5
August 31, 2024 Bob Ryan Mantle Clock with Bent Top*
September 7 PICNIC
September 8 SchuchatDannerMorton Fundamentals 2024B-6
September 22 Bob Ryan Mantle Clock with Bent Top (day 2)
September 29 SchuchatDannerMorton Fundamentals 2024B-7
Shorty classes for new members (and old members who want to attend) are being offered ahead of Open Shop hours on specific Saturdays. One hour classes for Band Saw, Planer/Jointer, Hand Plane, Table Saw & Drill Press will be scheduled. See the website calendar for dates and times.
*Bob Ryan will be demonstrating how to steam bend wood. Anyone can watch the Steambending presentation. People who have signed up for the class will be building a mantle clock. Contact Bob for more information.
Check out the Events Calendar on the SLWG website HERE.
Faust Park Workshop Information
Important Notice from the SLWG Board regarding the Faust Park Shop
The Faust Park Shop is open only to SLWG members who have completed their Safety Training. Minimum age for membership in the Guild is 16 years old. Children less than 16 cannot be Members and therefore are not allowed in the shop under any circumstances. Shop Monitors are authorized to enforce this major safety and liability issue.
Updated Faust Park Shop Rules
For safety reasons, only David Gronefeld or his designated representative is allowed to climb the ladder to access the shop attic. Since only long-term storage items are permitted in the attic, there should be minimal need for access.
- To participate in the Workshop Safety Class or use the shop, you must have paid the current year Guild dues and have your current membership card with appropriate marking.
- To use the Guild Workshop during open hours, you must have passed a Workshop Safety Class.
September “Open Shop” Hours
Sept 3 & 4 10 am – 2 pm
Sept 8 9 am – 5 pm
Sept 10 & 11 10 am – 2 pm
Sept 14 & 15 9 am – 5 pm
Sept 21 9 am – 5 pm
Sept 28 9 am – 5 pm
Next Shop Safety Class
Thursday, Sept 5th, 6:30 pm
Faust Park Workshop
Plan for 3 Hours
$20 for Current Members
Safety Class attendees must register online and bring their current Guild membership card.
Directions: Plug the following address into your GPS or phone:
1135 Henry Jackson Rd. Chesterfield, MO
Join or Renew your Guild
Membership Today!
Annual Dues Renewals
Remember that letting your membership lapse will result in having to retake the Safety Class ($20) prior to using the Open Shop at Faust Park.
Annual membership renewal is available online (click on button below) with PayPal or any major credit card, or mail a check for the appropriate amount with member’s name in the memo line to
St. Louis Woodworkers Guild
P.O. Box 411766
St. Louis, MO 63141-9998
Current membership status is required for use of the Faust Park Shop.
Annual Membership Dues:
Basic Membership $40
Full Shop Membership $75
A Basic Membership entitles the member to four (4) uses of the Guild Shop during the membership year.
A Shop Membership entitles the member to unlimited use of the shop during open shop hours.
Member benefits also include:
> Discounts at Guild sponsors
> Access to Project Workshops
> Access to a local community of woodworkers
> Access to the secure portion of the website
See the SLWG Website for signing up!
Chad Myers
Don Squires
Julian Puente
Giordano Cittolin Santos
Molly Reese
John Markiel
Gary Schmidt
Jordan Bowlin
Miguel Sanchez

If you are a current or retired Boeing employee you can now contribute to the St. Louis Woodworker’s guild through the Boeing Gift Match program. The guild is now an approved charitable organization with the Boeing program. As an employee participant, your donation of $25.00 USD or more or the equivalent volunteer hours of 25 hours or more will be matched 1:1 by Boeing. The maximum individual contribution is $6,000.00 or 6,000 volunteer hours. Your contribution is tax deductible as long as you follow three simple steps:
Step 1: Eligible Boeing employees or retirees first make a contribution directly to the guild
Step 2: After making your donation go to Total Access and click on My Community Giving – GIVE – Gift Match on the Boeing Gift Match page.
Step 3: Register your donation whether it’s monetary or volunteer hours and select The St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild and enter the total amount and the date of the contribution.
It’s that easy, you get a great tax break and it benefits the guild directly. If you have any questions, please email Brian Ellison at and if I don’t know the answer, I will try to find it for you.
SLWG Officers, Board Members and Committee Leaders
Brian Ellison
Vice President:
Corey Doner
Adam Conners
Joe Turner
Dan Lender (exp. 2025)
Hal Donovan (exp. 2026)
Jason Sankovitch (exp. 2027)
Bob Kastigar (exp. 2028)
Immediate Past President:
Jay Noffsinger
Membership Coordinator:
Matt Stacker –
Donations and Commissioned Projects Coordinator:
Todd Martin –
Woodworking Show Coordinator:
Andrea Lyons –
IT Administrator:
Doug Johnson –
Aaron Johnson / Jim Becher –
Newsletter Editor:
Grady Vaughan
Al Carlson
Sarah Porter
Toy Committee Chair:
Steve Mettes
Shop Manager:
David Gronefeld
Classes and Workshops Coordinator:
Corey Doner
Program Coordinator:
Bob Ryan
Legal Counsel:
Bill Hobson
Our Sponsors
The St. Louis Woodworkers Guild relies heavily on sponsorship to execute on our mission statement of education, community service, and local development.
Please Patronize our sponsors who support the guild and our mission to encourage and educate members and non-members to enjoy and enrich their woodworking skills and experiences.
Walnut Level sponsor. Guild members will receive a 10% discount on many items at Rockler.
Cherry Level Sponsor. Guild members will receive a 10% discount on saw sharpening at Quinn Saw.