The second set of items is up for auction! Get your bids in now and take home some great tools at bargain prices.
NOTICE: There is a change this month! Bids will be submitted to auctions@slwg.org, NOT the treasurer’s email address. Also, bid submission via PO box is no longer an option. All bids must be submitted via email.
Bidding Rules
- Submit your bid to auctions@slwg.org
- Bids are due by email, dated February 29, 2020
- Bidding is open to all current Guild members
- Bidding format is silent auction, one bid per item
- Please include your current email address and phone number in your bid.
Payment is due by March 31, 2020.
James Payne will notify members of their winning bids via email. Members can pay using the Guild’s website, in person at the Guild meeting, or by mail to the Guild’s PO box.
Pick Up
Items are located on the grounds of Faust Park. Upon payment, Guild members will make arrangements to pick up their items:
Please direct any and all questions to James at the contact information above.
Items for Sale
Item Number Feb20_008: Inca Slot Mortise Cross Slide Table
Minimum bid: $35
Item Number Feb20_009: Delta Drill Press
Minimum bid: $50
- Model 14-040
Item Number Feb20_010: Delta Plate Joiner
Minimum bid: $35
- Model 32-100
Item Number Feb20_011: Delta Bench Top Planer
Minimum bid: $40
- Model 22-540
- 12-inch
Item Number Feb20_012: Delta Hollow Chisel Mortiser
Minimum bid: $40
- Model 14-650
- Type 2
Item Number Feb20_013: Seco Vertical Bag Dust Collector
Minimum bid: $50
- UFO-90
- Includes optional 1 micron bag
Item Number Feb20_014: DustRight Vortex
Minimum bid: $20