- Scroll saw or Coping Saw
- Electric Drill with 21/64″ bit
- Sand paper
- Scissors or utility knife
- Straight edge
- 3/4″ solid wood or plywood
- 5/16″ dowel
- Brown paper
- Glue
- Make pattern from print of Witch by gluing to a piece of cardboard.
- Cut pattern to shape.
- Draw shape on wood surface.
- Saw Witch from 3/4″ thick solid wood or plywood. Fill any voids with filler.
- Drill hole for broomstick through wood at angle shown using bit 1/32″ larger than dowel (approx. 21/34″).
- Cut dowel 4 1/2″ long.
- Insert and glue dowel.
- Sand front and back surfaces and edges to remove roughness.
- Cut broom straw from brown paper as shown above.
- Use glue to attach to end of dowel.