- Scroll saw
- Sanders – Disc, Belt or Spindle
- Drill Press with 1/4″ bit
- Sand paper or emery boards
- Base: 3/4″ to 1″ lumber
- Blocks: 3/8″ – 1/2″
- 1/4″ Dowels
- Make pattern from print by gluing to a piece of cardboard.
- Cut pattern to shape.
- Draw shape on wood surface and locate drill center.
- Saw item from material.
- Smooth edges with disc or spindle sander
- Sand to ease rough or sharp edges.
- Rub your hands over the entire assembly to make sure there are not sharp edges or points. Remove with sandpaper if any are found.
Download pattern here. https://slwg.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Stacking-Blocks.png