Fundamentals of Woodworking 2023B – Session 8 of 10


12:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Faust Park Guild Shop
1135 Henry Jackson rd. , Chesterfield, MO, 63017

Event Type

The Fundamentals of Woodworking 2023B class is currently full and runs through February.  The class will be repeated starting in next year if there is enough interest.  Send an email to to get on the waiting list.  The Fundamentals Class has each student build two projects and teaches students needed skills using the jointer, planer, bandsaw for resawing, router table, and table saw.  You will learn how to cut dovetails, rabbets, dados and how to square up a board which is a critical skill in making complex projects such as furniture.  The first project will be a Tool Tote.  The second project will be a Shaker Table, but students are allowed to propose alternate second projects of their choosing.

Attached is a list of Woodworking Books that may be of interest until another class of Fundamentals opens up.

Books-for Beginners

Along with the names of the books, we have included a synopsis of each.  The two that we recommend first are the Robert Wearing book and any of the Ernest Scott books.  Working In Wood by Scott is the book that got Bill Schuchat interested in making furniture.

For reference, the Fundamentals Class focuses on craftsmanship and hand skills.  The Wearing book address these issues very well and would be a good place to start, but the Scott book(s) are excellent too.  We have indicated which books are available in the Guild Library.  Our experience with used books from Amazon has been very good; this would also be an economical way to get started.

In addition the Guild has numerous programs for members including many classes that do not required that you have completed the Fundamentals of Woodworking.  All scheduled classes can be viewed on the website.  If you are a beginner, there are several “Shorty” classes to introduce a novice to the operation of various machines that we have in the shop.  There are also many classes on different projects such as Mortise and Tenon Joinery which may be of interest.  We also have a Mentor program for members that may be beneficial for you prior to starting the Fundamentals class.  Information for this program is also on the website.

Call or email Bill Schuchat ,VP SLWG, if you have any questions.  314-406-1823 cell. email: