Card Scrapers “ Why, When, and How to get them to Work for You”

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Date(s) - 2024/01/06
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Faust Park Shop


Instructor: Brad Bernhard

Description: Card Scrapers “ Why, When, and How to get them to Work for You” . You will learn how to sharpen and use a card scraper.


1) Guild Safety Class

2)  Interest in using less sandpaper in your preparation of wood for a finish

Materials and supplies that students are expected to bring to class: Bring a minimum of one rectangular shaped card scraper and a burnishing tool plus a piece or two of hardwood with some interesting grain. Walnut or cherry would would be good examples. A finer grain Nicholson Mill Bastard File and a higher grit stone or diamond plate (small credit card size would work well) will be used to prepare the card. If available bring these. The wood you bring could later be used for a charcuterie board or some other project and in a size range of 12- 24 in. long by 8-12 in. wide and around 3/4 thickness. Size is not specific. Wood coming off the planer would be a good  starting point. We will be able to use the planer if needed provided the boards are minimum 12 in. long.

Materials that will be provided by the Guild: None

Other items Students need to bring to class such as tools: If you have a curved ( gooseneck) card scraper and a piece of wood with a cove (like shop made moulding) you could bring this as well.

Any information that the student needs to send to the instructor before class starts: If any questions about the class including tools mentioned I can be reached at 314-973-2011.


Registrations are closed for this event.