October 2023 Newsletter

Dedicated to the art of woodworking since 1984.


Next Meeting:

This Thursday

October 19th

Meeting Start:

6:45 PM

Meeting Location:

Moolah Shrine Center
Oasis Room
12545 Fee Fee Road
St. Louis, MO  63146


Youtube LiveStream Link HERE for online starting at 6:45 PM

President’s Letter

It is always a pleasure to update the guild members on the workings of the Executive and Advisory Boards.  I am blessed to work with such a talented group of woodworkers who are willing to spend countless hours on the many projects we have in the works.

Since my last letter:
1) Our sponsorship program has been started. We are hoping this will result in more money coming into the guild.  A classified add/marketing program is being worked on to compliment the sponsorship program.
2) A financial audit will be performed on October 17th as required by our By-Laws.
3) The first steps of a feasibility study for a possible new shop will soon be accomplished.
4) I look forward to seeing how our new Air conditioning/Heating unit performs as we face colder weather.
5)Our first “Commissioned Project” to renovate signs for a Garden Club has been completed! We owe a big thank you to Bill Schuchat and his committee of volunteers for this fine work!
6) Logan Wittmer, the Editor-In-Chief of Popular Woodworking, has accepted our offer to be our “Superstar”  presenter next Spring. Watch for updates from Dan Lender, our organizer for this popular event!
7) We will be working to revise requirements for members who have their membership lapse but then decide to rejoin.
8) See the Help Wanted notice below for requests for volunteers to be nominated for board positions that will become vacant at the end of our fiscal year in April 2024. We will also be looking for volunteers to fill other vital functions in our guild. Please seriously consider these requests!

Stay safe in the shop,

Jay Noffsinger

(In Person Presentation and Livestream)

St. Charles Historical Homes

Amy Haake



Note:  Things went better for us last month, but we have been having some technical issues with our internet connection for livestreaming recently, so if you cannot get into the meeting remotely, you will be able to see a recording of the meeting later when we post it to the SLWG website under the Media tab.  Better yet, attend in person!


Furniture Design


Steve Palmer
Juried Artist
Best of Missouri Hands

Steve gave a great presentation on furniture design using heirloom joining techniques at the September Guild Meeting.  He also donated to the Guild a book that he compiled on these furniture making techniques which include mortise and tenon joints, dovetails, frame and panel construction, and a list of library sites for reference. 

See the entire presentation on the Link below.

Link to Last Month’s Meeting Recording

Donate to the St. Louis Woodworkers Guild HERE

Open Guild Positions for 2024/2025 Term

Want to be part of the leadership team that guides our Guild and get to know fellow craftsmen? The Nominating Committee of the Guild has started the process of identifying candidates to fill positions for the 2024/2025 term. A brief description is below for your consideration. Officer positions also attend monthly virtual Board meetings  If interested or have questions, please contact Vickie Berry, Wayne Humphrey or Tom Tierney – your Nominating Committee.

St. Louis Woodworkers Guild Open Positions for 2024/2025 Term

President –
Lead and guide an organization of approximately 300 experienced and new wood craftsmen.  Chair the monthly Board meeting and lead the monthly meeting.  Represent the Guild to the public by fielding informational calls and requests for woodworking skills and/or expertise. Prepare a monthly President’s letter for publication that supports the Guild mission and encourages members in the craft. This is an Officer position and term is one year.
Vice President –
Serve in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall appoint the members of the Program Committee and shall preside at its meetings.  The Vice President and Program Committee shall be responsible for the programs at the monthly meetings of the Guild.  Appoint a Classes and Workshops Coordinator who shall serve on the Program Committee. This is an Officer position and term is one year.
Secretary –
Keep a written record of all meetings of the Guild and Executive Board and make all legal and tax filings with the State of Missouri and the federal government. This is an Officer position and term is one year.
Treasurer –
Maintain the financial records of the Guild, maintain the Guild banking accounts, prepare for the annual audit, and report regularly to the Executive Board and Guild. This is an Officer position and term is one year.
Director –
Serve in an Advisory position to the President and acts as an ambassador to new members and guests at meetings. This is an Officer position and term is four years.
Assistant Librarian –
Assist the Librarian at monthly meetings with Library material consisting of books, videos, magazines and serve in the absence of the Librarian.
Mentor Coordinator –
Coordinate the pairing of new wood craftsmen with experienced members to act as a mentor.


Ken Smith had some spare wood of various species which he used in creating these napkin holders.  Some of the woods he used included poplar, walnut, maple, dark walnut, zebrawood, wenge, and patagonian rosewood.
He explained that the letter N at the top stood for where his family was from, Nebraska.

Dan Sudkamp brought in two wall hangings he created in intarsia using several wood species
including walnut, cherry, padauk, yellowheart, sapele, bubinga, and wenge.

Joe Turner is taking his wooden puzzle design to another level by having them produced in  aluminum.

Jeff Nasser brought in a pepper mill that he turned with walnut, birdseye maple, and a holly insert.

Bob Kastigar had a request from his sister about a charturie board and he made a couple with a very handy hole for the dip, using a cherry/walnut and an ash/walnut combination.

Eric Smith has just completed his hybrid workbench which is based off a Roubo and Nicholson style bench.

and Other Videos

Here is a link to a site that lists safety recall notices for woodworking tools. LINK 


St. Louis Woodworkers Guild contributions to the local community

Shriner’s Feztival of Trees

The Guild will again be participating in the Shriner’s Feztival of Trees this holiday season and we need items to be placed under a tree.  We have already received several items and are looking for more.

Items need to be received no later than the general meeting in November as the Feztival opens the following Saturday.  For more information, check out FEZtival of Trees (moolah.org)

Holiday Toys

The Holiday Toy Committee has had another outstanding production year under the guidance of Wayne Humphrey. We exceeded our goal of 1,400 toys being donated to Toys for Tots, LifeWise and Peace Pantry. We couldn’t have done it without the help of too many elves to name – thank you to all of them.  We are winding down the year but expect to start up again at the beginning of next year – as we’ve learned it’s never too early to start!

If you know of another organization that would like to receive toys or you’re interested in participating in this amazing community service project, please contact Wayne Humphrey and look for meeting dates and times on the Guild calendar of events.

Questions?  Contact Wayne Humphrey at wehumphrey@hotmail.com or 314-440-2173.

Toy Committee Chair Rich Weitzman awaits toy donations at every monthly meeting and has toy parts if you let him know in advance of the meeting.

  Toy Committee Update

Toy production moves along, but we need more.  We had a good selection of toys collected at the September meeting, but our hospital partners are starting to increase their requests and our inventory of toys in the shed is starting to go down.

Current needs:  Airplanes and Helicopters

All woodworkers should be aware that we are donating these toys for children and that all toy donations must be fully sanded with NO splinters or sharp edges — ready for a final finish by the children. 

Call me if you need toy parts and I will bring them to the meeting for pickup.

Thank you to all who have built toys and contributed to this important program.

Rich Weitzman


Toy Committee Chair

2023 Toy Report

Toy Tally

October — 503
YTD — 2717

October — 195
YTD — 2057

Since 1994 — 84,963

2023 Toy Program Major Contributors

Over 1000 Club
Bill Meuth — 1,231

Over 500 Club
Dan O’Heron — 572

Over 200 Club
Linda Turner — 259
Wayne Humphrey — 240

Over 100 Club
Paul Bailey — 102
William Marsek — 101

Over 50 Club
Rich Sanders — 57


Dan Sudkamp

2023 Target and Challenge

Target for Delivered Items:  4,000


10% Member Participation Target

17 Members

Toy Pattern Library is Growing

Keep checking the website for new patterns throughout the year as well as the schedule for donating seasonal items.  We’ll continue to add new and interesting patterns for all levels of woodcrafters so check back often.
Find patterns at:  https://slwg.org/community-involvement/toy-program/

Organizations that we currently donate toys to include:

BJC Children’s Hospital
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital
Foster & Adoptive Care Coalition
Hawthorn Children’s Psych. Hosp.
LifeWise STL
Mercy Hospital

Peace Pantry Cedar Hill
RankenJordan Ped. Bridge Hospital
Rockwood School District
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Toys for Tots

Toy Committee

Rich Weitzman, Chair
Paul Bailey
Vickie Berry
Hal Donovan
Dan Lender

Steve Mettes
Charles Schrock
Bill Schuchat
Grady Vaughan

Please contact us with comments, suggestions or if you need to arrange pickup or delivery of toys. Individual contact info can be found on the Members Only section of the SLWG website.

HSH Table Build Community Outreach

Are you looking for a small project?
We are six months into our second year of building and donating tables to HomeSweetHome (HSH). The demand is high for the small dining, end, coffee tables and nightstands we supply to HSH. Our tables are very popular with the HSH Clientele.
Information about HSH and the table build program can be found on our website under the Community Service tab, HomeSweetHome, LINK HERE.
Under this program Members build small tables using Guild supplied wood and dimensioned, printable plans. Or Members are free to use a mix of Guild supplied wood and other wood(s) they may have. Also, Members may use their own design(s) as-long-as their final piece conforms to the dimensions shown on our website.
Tables Built and Donated by Type
                                        Dining                       6
                                   End and Sofa Servers   48
                                       Coffee                        0
                                       Nightstands                0
Current Year Total             54                 
Program Total to date      156                             
As you can see, we need Coffee and Nightstand builders.

Please contact me at the meeting or by call, text, or email if you are interested in building a table(s). Or, reach out to any Board Member (look for a red lanyard) or talk to a table builder if you have any questions.

Thank you to all of our Members who participate in this program by donating their time and talent to build tables for HomeSweetHome Clients.

Tom Tierney

We acquired a good supply of white oak last week so Tom will have wood available at this week’s meeting.

Thanks to Dan at Foeder Crafters and some hard work from Charles Schrock, Hal Donovan and Al Carlson, we have replenished our inventory of white oak.

Here are the basic dimensions for the HSH end tables.

NOVEMBER 16     Quinn Saw  

Woodworking Classes

Held at Faust Park Workshop

Upcoming Classes

See the Schedule on the SLWG Website HERE.
Date                     Teacher                            Subject

October 22, 2023     Fundamentals 2023B6  
October 29, 2023 Sudkamp   Cutting Boards  
November 4, 2023 Stoll   Hand Tool Appliances for Planing:
November 12, 2023     Fundamentals 2023B7  
December 2, 2023 Schuchat/Danner   Beginners Class  
December 10, 2023     Fundamentals 2023B8  


Currently, Fundamentals 2023B classes 9 & 10 are scheduled for Jan and Feb 2024, but we are looking to revise the schedule to get these completed sooner.  The 4 weeks between meeting may be shortened to 3 weeks since Project #2 has been changed from a tool chest to a Shaker table which is a simpler project.  Scheduling conflicts will need to be worked out.    

Short classes for new members (and old members who want to attend) are being offered ahead of Open Shop hours on specific Saturdays.  One hour classes for Band Saw, Planer/Jointer, Hand Plane, Table Saw & Drill Press will be scheduled.  See the website calendar for dates and times.

Check out the Events Calendar on the SLWG website HERE.

Faust Park Workshop Information

Important Notice from the SLWG Board regarding the Faust Park Shop

The Faust Park Shop is open only to SLWG members who have completed their Safety Training.  Minimum age for membership in the Guild is 16 years old.  Children less than 16 cannot be Members and therefore are not allowed in the shop under any circumstances.  Shop Monitors are authorized to enforce this major safety and liability issue.

  • To participate in the Workshop Safety Class or use the shop, you must have paid the current year Guild dues and have your current membership card with appropriate marking.
  • To use the Guild Workshop during open hours, you must have passed a Workshop Safety Class. 

November “Open Shop” Hours
Nov 5                       9 am – 5 pm

Nov 7 & 8               10 am – 2 pm

Nov 11                    9 am – 5 pm

Nov 14 & 15         10 am – 2 pm

Nov 18 & 19           9 am – 5 pm

Nov 25                   9 am – 5 pm

Next Shop Safety Class
   Thursday, November 2nd, 6:30 pm
           Faust Park Workshop

           Plan for 3 Hours

         $20 for Current Members

Safety Class attendees must register online and bring their current Guild membership card.
 Limit of 10 per class.
Visit the SLWG website for Safety Class Signup HERE.

Directions: Plug the following address into your GPS or phone: 
1135 Henry Jackson Rd. Chesterfield, MO

Join or Renew your Guild

Membership Today!

Annual Dues Renewals

Remember that letting your membership lapse will result in having to retake the Safety Class ($20) prior to using the Open Shop at Faust Park.


Annual membership renewal is available online (click on button below) with PayPal or any major credit card, or mail a check for the appropriate amount with member’s name in the memo line to 
St. Louis Woodworkers Guild
P.O. Box 411766
St. Louis, MO 63141-9998

Current membership status is required for use of the Faust Park Shop.
Annual Membership Dues:


Basic Membership            $40
Full Shop Membership      $75
A Basic Membership entitles the member to four (4) uses of the Guild Shop during the membership year.  
A Shop Membership entitles the member to unlimited use of the shop during open shop hours.

Member benefits also include:

                      > Discounts at Guild sponsors
                      > Access to Project Workshops 
                      > Access to a local community of woodworkers
                      > Access to the secure portion of the website

See the SLWG Website for signing up!

Click here to pay dues online


David Downs

Philip Herrera

Steve Felgenhauer

Patrick Ladendecker

Austin Lent

Dianna Wilson

Allen Wiseman

Gerald Yungling

If you are a current or retired Boeing employee you can now contribute to the St. Louis Woodworker’s guild through the Boeing Gift Match program.  The guild is now an approved charitable organization with the Boeing program.  As an employee participant, your donation of $25.00 USD or more or the equivalent volunteer hours of 25 hours or more will be matched 1:1 by Boeing.  The maximum individual contribution is $6,000.00 or 6,000 volunteer hours.  Your contribution is tax deductible as long as you follow three simple steps:

Step 1:  Eligible Boeing employees or retirees first make a contribution directly to the guild

Step 2:  After making your donation go to Total Access and click on My Community Giving – GIVE – Gift Match on the Boeing Gift Match page.

Step 3:  Register your donation whether it’s monetary or volunteer hours and select The St. Louis Woodworker’s Guild and enter the total amount and the date of the contribution.

It’s that easy, you get a great tax break and it benefits the guild directly.  If you have any questions, please email Jay Noffsinger at president@slwg.org and if I don’t know the answer, I will try to find it for you.

SLWG Officers, Board Members and Committee Leaders

Jay Noffsinger – 618-530-7114

Vice President:
Bill Schuchat – 314-406-1823

Adam Conners – 314-495-1772

Joe Turner – 314-495-5938

Bob Kastigar  (exp. 2024)
Dan Lender  (exp. 2025)
Hal Donovan (exp. 2026)
Jason Sankovitch (exp. 2027)

Immediate Past President:
Brian Ellison

Membership Coordinator:
Matt Stacker

Woodworking Show Coordinator:

IT Administrator:
Doug Johnson

Aaron Johnson

Media Coordinator:
Bob Ryan

Newsletter Editor:
Grady Vaughan

Al Carlson

Toy Committee Chair:
Rich Weitzman

Shop Manager:
David Gronefeld

Classes and Workshops Coordinator:
Bill Schuchat

Legal Counsel:
Bill Hobson

Donations Coordinator:
Todd Martin

Our Sponsors

The St. Louis Woodworkers Guild relies heavily on sponsorship to execute on our mission statement of education, community service, and local development. Please support our sponsors. 

(In-store only)

Kohler City Hardwoods
Walrus Oil

Image Credits:

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