- Band Saw
- Table Saw
- Sanders – Orbital and band
- Drill Press
- Drill Press Vice or Wooden Handscrew Clamp
- Drill Bits 1/4″, 5/16″, 3/8″ (5/16″ bit needs to be long enough to cut through 3-3/4″ board
- Forstner Bit 1″
- Hole Saws 1-1/4″m 2″, 2-1/2″ or close to these sizes
- Small Clamps
- Glue
- Sand paper or emery boards
- 1 x 4 pine for most parts (resaw some to 3/8″ and 1/4″ thick)
- wood dowels 1/4″ and 5/8″ diameter
- Alternate axles: 1-1/4″ long x 7/32″ dia. with 3/8″ head axle pegs.
- Glue up four pieces of 1×4 stock to make a block 3″ thick x 3-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ for Body.
- Glue up 3 pieces of 3/4″x 1-3/4″ x 10″ long stock to make a block 2-1/4″ thick for Engine. Extra length is for safe cutting.
- Base and Axle Holders
- Cut stock for the Base (A) and the Axle Holders (J) to the dimensions shown in the Parts List (see PDF below).
- Drill 5/16″ axle hole in the Axle Holders. (Alternately, drill a 7/32″ hole for use of an axle peg in lieu of a 1/4″ dia. axle.)
- Drill 1/4″ hole in the rear axle holder for the exhaust pipe.
- Cut notches in the axle holders as shown.
- Glue exhaust pipe in hole in rear axle holder.
- Glue axle holders to Base and clamp.
- Body and Steering Wheel.
- Transfer top and side patterns to the 3″ thick x 3-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ block for Body.
- Drill 1″ dia. hole through the block from the back (only needs to be 2″ deep).
- Turn block on its side and drill 3/8″ holes in the corners of the cutout area as indicated by Xs on plan.
- Cut the side profile including the seat area with a bandsaw.
- Tilt the bandsaw table to 10 degrees with front of the body on the table to cut the bevels.
- Drill 1/4″ steering wheel hole by turning body upside down resting the block on the rear slope of the roof (see side view).
- Sand body smooth before proceeding to the steering wheel.
- Cut 1/4″ dowel for steering column (C) to 1-3/4″.
- Cut steering wheel (D) with 1-1/4″ hole saw from 1/4″ thick stock.
- Insert steering column into hole in the body and glue wheel to column.
- Engine
- Chamfer to 45 degrees the top edges of the 2-1/4″x 1-3/4″ x 10″ with a table saw or bandsaw.
- Cut engine to 1-1/2″ length.
- Cut a kerf 3/8″ from the end to form a line for the radiator with a bandsaw or hand saw.
- Drill a 1/4″ hole in the center of the radiator top for the radiator cap (F).
- Glue the radiator cap to the engine block.
- Glue the engine to the base and clamp.
- Sand the front flush.
- Glue the body to the base and clamp.
- Bed/Sides
- Cut 3/4 x 1-¼” x 10″ stock for sides (N). Extra length is for safe cutting.
- Drill two 1/4″ holes for the bed front (O)
- Resaw the stock to form two 1/4″ pieces.
- Cut the sides to 3″ long.
- Glue 1/4″ x 3″ long dowels to the sides.
- Glue the bed assembly to the Base and clamp.
- Fenders
- Cut fenders (G) from 1 x 4 stock.
- Drill 1/4″ hole in the top of the fender where shown in the detail.
- Make 5/8″ long headlamps from 5/8″ dia. dowels. Start with a 12″ length of dowel for cutting safety.
- Drill 1/4″ hole in the side of the 5/8″ dowel, 5/16″ from the end of the 12″ length and cut off the 5/8″ headlamp piece. Repeat for the second headlamp.
- Cut 1/4″ dowel to 1″ long for each headlamp column (I) and glue to headlamp.
- Glue headlamp assembly to fender.
- Glue and clamp fender to the main assembly with he lower running board equally spaced between the wheels.
- Optional. After the glue dries, drill two 1/4″ dia. holes through each fender into the side of the truck and glue 1/4″ dowels to reinforce the fender. Cut dowels flush and sand smooth.
- Wheels
- Resaw 1 x 4 stock to 3/8″ thick for wheels.
- Use a 2″ dia. hole saw to cut a 1/16″ deep kerf to create the look of rims.
- Then fully cut out the full diameter of the wheel with the 2-1/2″ dia. hole saw.
- Sand
- Cut axles (M) to 4-1/2″ length. (Alternately use axle pegs.)
- Glue one wheel to the axle. Insert assembly into the axle holder and glue on second wheel. (Alternately insert axle peg through wheel and glue axle peg into the axle holder.)
Note: This project plan and the the figures shown in the PDF below were slightly modified, but otherwise largely taken from “The Great All-American Wooden Toy Book”, by Norm Marshall (1986).