Instructor: Brad Bernhard
Description: In this 2 day class we will discuss and demonstrate how to select and apply veneer to a substrate. The students will be provided with a selection of coordinated already glued up 1/2 in. panels to begin working with. We will use table saw jigs to miter the sides of the box and use hidden splines for alignment. We will learn how to place already made ogee feet on our boxes after they are capped with a hardwood boarder. The process for making these beautiful feet will be reviewed. The lid will have a chamfered hardwood boarder added at the router table. Brusso stopped hinges will be provided and added to the box. We will discuss and implement hand or router jig mortising options. We will discuss techniques for adding an interior tray with dividers and decorative/ structural corner splines, The floor can be lined with felt. Time may not permit this addition to be completed. We will pre-finish our parts as we build with shellac to limit glue problems and shellac runs. This is a complicated box and we will be keeping our fingers crossed to try and avoid large mistakes as we build.
Prerequisites Consider purchasing and reviewing “ Basic Box Making” by Doug Stowe before the class. This book can be bough inexpensively new or use on Amazon.
Materials and supplies that students are expected to class: Thickness calipers (like I-gaging brand)/ 6 inch square/ leaded pencil and sharpener would be helpful. Selection of sanding paper with small block of wood with 45 miter on one end. Notebook for taking notes of router bits /jigs/ and techniques used. Finally I would recommend going to Hobby Lobby or Michael’s and purchasing a 1 inch Golden Taklon artists brush for applying
shellac. These will last for years and are about 10$.
Materials that will be provided by the Guild: See above detailed build information.
Lunch break: 12-12:30. Please bring a sack lunch and drink
Other items Students need to bring to class. Any other tools not listed that the student likes to use for layout. If you choose to hand mortise your hinges then a scoring tool for depth and sharp chisel 1/4 in would be
Any information that the student needs to send to the instructor before class starts: None unless student has additional questions. Brad Bernhard 314-973-2011.
Registrations are closed for this event.