How to Sharpen Hand Saws


9:00 am - 4:30 pm


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Faust Park Guild Shop
1135 Henry Jackson rd. , Chesterfield, MO, 63017

Event Type

Instructor:  Ron Bontz

Prerequisites: None other than a shop safety course

Lunch:  30 minutes.  Plan to bring a bag if you want to eat.

Materials Attendees need to bring to class:

1)   2 sided saw plates at 8 ppi , ( supplied ) out of either 0.025 or 0.032 1095 steel. This
ensures everyone has a proper saw demo to practice on. One side will be for filing rip and the other
side for filing cross cut.

2)   A 6xx and a 7xx saw file (Supplied to each student to practice with. Up to 6 students.

3) Magnifier lenses: Unless you have very young or have superman vision, I highly recommend
the magnifiers to magnify the saw teeth you will be looking at.

4) Dykem metal marking dye.  If attendee has some, please bring it. It makes seeing the teeth
much easier.

5)   Filing guide. If you plan on always sharpening your own saws, I highly recommend the Veritas
Saw File Holder. They cost $50.00 plus shipping. (
tools/files-and-rasps/files/70465-veritas-saw-file-holder?item=05G4601 )
This is the same one I have been using for years.
You can also make your own wooden guides, but they are a bit of a pain to make. And you have to
make one for almost every angle you use.

6) Saw tooth setter. For setting the saw teeth. If you have your own saw set please bring it.
Otherwise I will try to have a couple of extras with me.

7) File handle: Something as simple as a wooden dowel with a hole in it to attach the file in. If you
desire a nicer one, Check out Highland Woodworker online. They have various size wire bound file
handles. A #3 or #4 would probably work for a 6xx or 7xx file.

8)   Double cut mill file for jointing the teeth.

9)   Saw vise. Each student must have a saw vise. There are multiple plans for making then
online, from very basic to somewhat advanced.   If you need further assistance please contact me at
the info section at the bottom of the page.

Ron’s Bontz contact information:    618-910-3773

Saw vise plan saw-vise-drawings.pdf

Lastly I would recommend purchasing a DVD put out by Ron Herman ( Sharpen your Hand Saws )



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